
1. Find an Application
Users can browse or search available web applications, find information about each application, view usage screenshots, and discover links to homepages, documentation, online demos, FAQs, support forums and more.

2. Install Anywhere
Install applications to any location within the HTTP and HTTPS directories of all domains, sub-domains, and addon-domains. This includes the root-directory and any sub-level directory. You can even install inside HTTP Password Protected directories.

3. My Applications Manager
Users can view their installed applications, link directly to the website and its administration tool, view its files and database, and view information about the installed application. Installed application can be upgraded, backed up, and uninstalled.

4. Backup and Restore
Users can backup their installed applications at any time, and even restore a backup to its original "live" location.

5. New Version Notification
Users can receive notification emails when new versions of their installed applications becomes available.

6. New Version Upgrading
As soon as an application installer is updated, Installatron's Upgrade Wizard will upgrade existing installed applications to the new version.

Installatron even gives the option to create a backup during the upgrade.

7. Uninstall Safely
When an application is no longer needed it can be removed safely by Installatron's Uninstall Wizard.

Installatron's Uninstall Wizard ensures only the right application files and database tables are removed, prompting the user for selection if the list cannot be ascertained automatically.